When spring is coming, the temperatures are moving towards Plus Grade, the snow is almost gone and the motorcycle season is almost within reach. Perfect, if there was not the important question Is Motorcycle Hoodie A Good Alternative of A Motorcycle Jacket?
Which Motorcycle Jacket to Buy:
The product range of motorcycle jacket is huge, the various standards also unmanageable and cryptic. Perhaps, you want a leather motorcycle jacket, or rather a textile Motorcycle jacket, and so on. So, which motorcycle jacket to buy? We will discuss further below!
For those of you who short answer, here are the most important criteria summarized in one place:
- Weather resistance
- Rather textile Motorcycle jacket
- security
- Observe DIN standards for protectors. Be sure to use back elbows and shoulder protectors.
- Close fit
- It is imperative to keep textile jackets tight, preventing flapping and protectors must be very tight for safety
- Everyday life or racetrack
Below, you will find some tips to choose the best motorcycle jacket and whether you should consider buying Motorcycle Hoodie. Let’s begin!
Tip # 1: Consider Kevlar Motorcycle Hoodie
Kevlar is a synthetic fiber. It was discovered by Stephanie Kwolek in 1965 while working for DuPont. The discovery of this strong material was a revolution. To date, it is usually used for various purposes such as material for the manufacture of sports equipment, bullet-proof vests, aeronautics wear, and the automotive industry.
Buying Kevlar Motorcycle Hoodie will ensure you the following benefits:
- Water resistance: Kevlar does not decompose due to water or moisture.
- Fire and Cuts resistance: Due to its tight particle, it is resistant to flames and cuts
- Durability: It does not lose quality because of fungi or bacteria.
- More resistant than steel: Kevlar® can be up to five times more resistant than steel under certain circumstances.
Tip # 2: Protectors
If you buy a motorcycle Hoodie or a Jacket, you should first look at how thick and how big a protector is. The larger the larger the area on which the impact energy is distributed.
Tip # 3: Zippers & Vulnerabilities
The safety-relevant bodies should be better examined. These should make a robust and stable impression. Scrubbing areas such as shoulders and elbows should be double-layered or even better equipped with Kevlar. These places may not chafe through a stub.
Tip # 4: Weather resistant
Unfortunately, the weather is not always dry and the tour still wants to be finished. Various jackets offer extra removable membrane for ventilation under clothing. Depending on the weather conditions you want to drive, the right clothes should be chosen. We have already dedicated ourselves to the topic of waterproof jackets under the following page -> Waterproof Motorcycle Jacket
In dry weather, a motorcycle hoodie would serve as good as a jacket when it comes to safety, given that you have your armors installed and the Hoodies is lined with quality Aramid fiber.
Tip # 5: Try on
With the correct information and right size chart, you can quickly find the right Hoodie and order it online. At home, this can be tried on comfortably in front of the mirror. Always make sure that the hoodie or the jacket fits well and tight. The protectors must not slip. For textile jackets always wear tight, this prevents the flutter.
Conclusion "Which motorcycle Hoodie to buy"
With our 5 tips above, you should now be able to have a clear decision as to which motorcycle Hoodie safety is right for you and what criteria it must meet. Visit our catalog to see more option of Kevlar Motorcycle Hoodie!